3. Area of operation: Himachal Pradesh
4. The aims and objectives of the Society shall be as follows:-
A.to provide a forum for the Members of the Alumni Association (herein after referred to as the Members) to interact amongst themselves as also with the Principal, Teachers and the present students of LBS GOVT PG COLLEGE SARASWATI NAGAR , TEHSIL JUBBAL, DISTT. SHIMLA 171206.
B.to bring together the ex students of LBS GOVT PG COLLEGE SARASWATI NAGAR , TEHSIL JUBBAL, DISTT. SHIMLA 171206 and to promote fellowship amongst them and their families.
C.to disseminate knowledge and know-how for the mutual benefit of the Members as also for the benefit of the College.
D.to undertake (i) intellectual, academic and cultural activities (ii) sports and games (iii) entertainment programmes (iv) improvements to existing infrastructure of the College and. (v) social service etc. for the benefit of the Members as well as of the College and for the society at large, as detailed under:
a).to create a website of the Association and up load the same on to the Internet so that relevant information pertaining to the affairs of the Association, can be made available for the benefit of all the Members.
b).to conduct academic meets such as conferences, workshops, seminars, symposia , lectures by eminent personalities from various walks of life etc. for the Members as also for the present students and/or teachers of the College on various current subjects/ topics of interest and relevance.
c).to institute and award prizes, for the meritorious students of the College in the fields of academics, sports and other extra-curricular activities.
d).to undertake activities such as career counseling, medical check up camps and other similar programs for the benefit of the present students of the College.
e).to institute merit cum means based scholarships for the needy and deserving students of the College.
f). to establish permanent Corpus Fund for providing need based financial assistance to the Members as also the present students of the College for the treatment diseases and ailments.
g).to conduct , for the Members , various activities such as get-togethers, sports and games, picnics, excursions, cultural programmes, etc.
E. To undertake any other activity in accordance with and in furtherance to the objectives mentioned at A, B , C and D above.
F.With the prior permission of the College’s Principal, the premises and/or facilities may be used / utilized by the Association for holding/conducting its official programmes, functions or activities, in accordance with the Association’s objectives, enumerated herein above, The College Premises shall not be used or utilized for holding or conducting any personal programme, function or activity of any member of the Association – whether he/she is a General/ordinary Member or an office Bearer/Committee Member.
5.The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Managing Committee ofnine members comprising a President, a Vice President, a General Secretary, a Treasurer, and five Committee Members. In the process of achieving the above objectives, principles of good corporate governance shall be strictly adhere to the provisions of H.P. Societies Registration Act, 2006 and the terms and conditions of the Registration shall be followed in letter and in spirit.
6.The Accounting Year of the Association shall be from 1st April of a year to the 31st March of next year.
7.All the incomes, earnings, movable and immovable properties of the Association shall be solely utilised and applied only towards the promotion of its objectives as stated herein above and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred by way of dividends / bonus / profits or in any other manner whatsoever, to the present or past Members either directly or indirectly.
8.No Member shall have any claim on any movable or immovable properties or the funds of the Association or make any profit, whatsoever, by virtue of his Membership.
9.The Memorandum of Association and the Bye Laws of the Association shall be duly registered as per the H.P. Societies Registration Act, 2006
10. The President of the Association is authorized to correspond with the Registrar of Societies.
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