This college was established in July 1986 in a tough hilly terrain of Himachal Pradesh to cater to the higher educational needs of the people of this area. This college was opened with the aim of providing education to the students at their doorstep, enabling them to acquire Higher Education with professional skills and confidence to face the world.
Vision: “ To impart quality and value based education that empowers students to sift truth from falsehood and to integrate the value of truth into their character”
This institutional vision is derived from the motto – “Stayam Param Dhimahi” which literally means Truth is supreme. The institution aims at providing a distinct environment of excellence in education and inculcating in them human values like truthfulness, honesty, hard work, character building, capacity building and social commitment . Thus the institution aims at enhancing the skills and holistic development of the personality of the students.
To provide quality higher education to the students residing at this tough hilly terrain and to make them fit for global society.
To provide a fair chance to both the genders, poor and socially disadvantaged to attain knowledge
To enable students to acquire various professional skills in order to increase the chances of their employability.
To focus on the development of personality of students through curricular and extracurricular activities
To sensitize the students towards various social concerns, human rights, gender issues and environmental issues.
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