Department profile:

Education removes darkness and makes life brightest forever from education only, all round development is possible. Educatio make a person polite, politeness increase ability and ability gives maturity.

Department of political science was established in year 1986 .Politics is the most democratic at all sciences as the final judgement concerning political reality and good life are the responsibility of all. In this backdrop, the study of political science as a subject is infinitely beneficial in view of its being the key to understanding as well as the possible solution of all problems facing us in our contemporary time. Study of the subject opens up multiple opportunities for political science graduates. Student can choose from diverse fields such as civil services, judiciary services journalism research study and teaching profession etc.


Prof. Rajesh Kumar

Assistant Professor Rajesh Kumar M.A., Mphil., UGC Net (HPU).Teaching experience 6 years.

Teaching Learning Facilities:

Department of political science was established in year 1986 started by UG classes and 2019 also started PG classes with 40 seats capacity, first session (2019) in PG class 16 student enrolment but 2020 second session only 5 students enrolment in PG due to Covid-19 pandemic. Department of political science well facilitates to teaching and learning process with smart classroom and used to modern technique to teaching .To telecast live program of Loksabha and Rajyasabha on the big screen to debate on budget and other bill.

Department of political science activity:

The political science department gives the adequate exposure to students by involving them in activities outside the routine classroom teaching. The debate and quiz competition are some activities that are organised to enhance students skill and knowledge.

< celebrate of constitutional day 26th November 2019

< Celebrate of international human rights day 10th december.2019

< Celebrate of the National voter day 25th January 2020 etc

Some glimpses of the activity :


The student of political science department LBS college s/Nagar after Complete graduation pursing post graduation, Law journalism and mass communication different college and University

Some students are preparing civil service and other competitive examination.

Sr.No. Name Progression e-mail Contact no.
1 Manjeet

Completed M.A. pol.sci. from HPU.

Presently preparing for competitive Exm

Manjeethastwan@gmail.com 8894962916
2 Anshuk Dansinghta

Completed M.A. pol.sci. HPU.

Presently doing Masters in journalism andcommunication from HPU.

adansinghta@1998gmail.com 7876065172
3 Aditi Khandolta

Completed M.A. pol.sci. HPU.

Presently preparing for NET\SET Exm

Khandoltaaditi123@gmail.com 8351924122
4 Neeraj Ranta

Completed M. A. Pol. Sci. LBS.PG CollegeS/Nagar

Neerajranta643@gmail.com 8580879372
5 Deepa

Completed M. A. Pol. Sci. LBS.PG CollegeS/Nagar

ddathan94@gmail.com 8894646476
6 Monika Tanwar

Completed M. A. Pol. Sci. LBS.PG CollegeS/Nagar

Monikatanwar238@gmail.com 8580591113
7 Anita

Completed M. A. Pol. Sci. LBS.PG College

Anitazinta16@gmail.com 8988583794
8 Sanjana

Pursuing M. A. Pol. Sci. LBS.PG College

kaltasanjana@gmail.com 7650092366
9 Sanjive

Pursuing M. A. Pol. Sci. LBS.PG CollegeS/Nagar

10 Mahesh

Pursuing M. A. Pol. Sci. LBS.PG CollegeS/Nagar

11 Jiyalalita

Pursuing M. A. Pol. Sci. LBS.PG CollegeS/Nagar



1. Smt. Peeti Panta , Assistant Professor political science.

2. Sh. Chunnilal Kalta , Revenue department.

3. Sh. Perdeep Kumar, JOA.

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