Geography is the study of earth surface. It includes Space, Place and development of geomorphic landform features that affect spatial distribution of living being. Geography as an integrating discipline has interface with numerous natural and social science. ‘Geography’as an independent subject in Universities and Colleges in India and learn about the physical environment of the earth, human activities and their interactive relationships. As LBS Govt. Post-Graduation Degree College Saraswatinagar located in 31° 7'27.38"N Latitude and 77°45'00.31"E Longitude in Shimla Distt. of Himachal Pradesh. The average elevation of this particular region is from above mean sea level is 1455 meters. Department of Geography, at LBS GC Saraswatinagar was established in 1987.
1. Kailash Chauhan (M.Phil. M.A. Geography)
Joined at Higher Education in year 2017. He is presently working as an Assistant Professor at Department of Geography LBSGPGC Saraswatinagar Distt. Shimla H.P. He has done his M.Phil. Geography in First Division with 68.5% on the topic of “A Study of Landslide Occurrences Along Shimla-Rohru State Highway, in Shimla District in Himachal Pradesh” from Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla in 2012-14. He has done his M.A. Geography in First Division with 60.5% from Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla in 2008-10. Teaching Experience 6 years Specialization in Geomorphology.
Nature and extent of Bachelor’s degree programme with Geography
Geography has a vide scope in Natural and social-sciences. The depth and breadth of study of individual topics in the following courses depend on the nature and devotion of the learners. The key areas of study in Geography are (Syllabi of various courses mentioned below):
At the B.A. 1st year (UGC) level (Both courses as Core Discipline Specific Courses)
Sr.No. | Name of Courses & Code | Course type | No. of students |
1 | Physical Geography (GEOGP101CC | Core DSE 2A | 17 |
2 | General Cartography (GEOGP102CC | Core DSE 2B | 17 |
At the B.A.2nd year (UGC) level (The first two courses as Core Discipline Specific Courses and thenext two courses as Skill Enhancement courses)
Sr.No. | Name of Courses & Code | Course type | No. of students |
1 | Human Geography (GEOGP201CC | Core DSE 2C | 14 |
2 | Environmental Geography (GEOGP202CC | Core DSE 2D | 14 |
3 | Regional Planning and Development (GEOGP203SEC) | SEC 1 | 11 |
4 | Remote Sensing and GPS(GEOGP204SEC) | SEC 2 | 11 |
At the B.A. 3rd year (UGC) level (The first two courses as Skill Enhancement courses and the next two courses as Discipline Specific Elective Courses and the next two courses as Generic Elective)
Sr.No. | Name of Courses & Code | Course type | No. of students |
1 | Geographic Information System (GEOGP301SEC) | SEC 1 | 05 |
2 | Field Techniques and Survey based Project Report (GEOGP 302SEC) | SEC 2 | 05 |
3 | Geography of India (GEOGP303-1DSE | Core DSE 2A | 08 |
4 | Disaster Management (GEOGP304-1DSE | Core DSE 2B | 08 |
5 | Disaster Risk Reduction (GEOGP 305GE-1) | GE-1 | 01 |
6 | Sustainability and Development(GEOGP 306 GE-2) | GE-2 | 01 |
Smart class room equipped with OHP and smart interactive white board and also available laboratory with all cartographic instruments.
3-D models, Aerial Photographs, Mirror Stereoscope all kind of small-scale thematic maps and availability of large-scale Topographical Sheets (Maps) of the different parts of the country.
An open-source GIS software named Quantum GIS (QGIS) installed in the DTS for disseminate practical knowledge of Geospatial techniques among the students.
Aims and objectives in Bachelor degree with Geography.
● To acquaint the students with the living condition of men in different parts of the globe.
● To enable the students to acquire a knowledge of natural resource and sustainable development.
● To develop in students an understanding of how environment and climate factors have influenced our life.
● To developed practical knowledge with General cartography and Thematic cartography.
● Now days in subject Geography new techniques have been used. GST (Geospatial Techniques like GIS, GPS and Remote sensing) is used for the betterment, planning and development of towns and urban’s spatial integration and develop. The knowledge of GST can be disseminating through various software like Arc GIS, Erdas and but in department have open source software like QGIS and SAGA for the betterment of students.
SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)Department of Geography
● Extension of an efficient Laboratory with all equipment.
● Satisfactory enrolment of students in department despite of non-availability of subject in Secondary school level.
● Enrolment of more Girl students than boys’ students.
● Some students are punctual and sincere regarding their assignments and practical works
● To disseminate practical’s knowledge in the recent field of GIS and Remote sensing with the help of QGIS and SAGA an open source software system is used.
● Syllabus is not as per the future examination purpose like UGC/HPPSC
● Lack of separate GIS/RS Laboratory .and internet facility.
● Lack of Geospatial technique utility.
● Students are less interested in map making and cartographic technique.
● Department provide plate form to understand basics of Geospatial Techniques.
● Department provide importance of natural resource and sustainable development.
●Every year the department organises one academic field tour for students to study various physical and socio-economic feature.
● Department provide basic and conceptual knowledge of Environment.
● We indulge students in many disasters management mock drill, cleanness programme etc.
● Subject and post in secondary school vacate is major threat to low enrolment.
● Pressure from public, NGOs and other elements compel the college to take enrolment of students even after the due date is over. This makes it difficult to run the syllabi and maintain good results.
● Keeping in view the geographical and extreme hot climatic conditions of the area the imposition to the academic, curricular and co-curricular activities of the colleges
Distinguished Aluminae
1 Sharwan Kumar HAS
2 Prince Mohan Assistant Professor Department of Geography GPGC Seema
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