1. Students should wear identity cards inside the campus
2. All the students are directed to note that the use of mobile phones in the college campus except the zones which are defined to access the phones for the students, is strictly banned as per the H.P. Govt. Norms (vide letter no. EDN-HE(21)B(15)15/2017-V Directorate of Higher Education H.P. Shimla-1).
3. College fees & other charges are to be paid on the dates according to the schedule notified by the college office.
4. Property of the institute needs to be carefully handled & looked after. Wilful damage to property shall be punishable.
5. No students should take the law into his/her own hands. Any kind of physical/mental violence is not permitted in the college.
6. Possession or use of weapons, explosives o destructive devices is strictly prohibited in the college.
7. Groupism, processions, protestations, mobbing, movements etc. are strictly prohibited in the college premises.
8. Students shall behave in a disciplined manner and follow all the instructions issued to them by the college.
9. Roaming about in the campus, corridors and outside during the class hours will be considered as an act of indiscipline.
10. Students are not allowed to put the notices on the college notice board without proper authorization by college authorities.
11. Students must be aware of all the notices that are put on the notice boards by the college.
12. The students should follow the time table strictly
13. Every student shall be regular and punctual in attending classes, practicals, submission of assignments.
14. Anti-Ragging:
Ragging is prohibited as per the order of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India & Himachal
Pradesh Institution (Prohibition of Ragging) Act 2009. Ragging includes any type of
physical or mental torture inflicted by the individual or group either by words or
conduct, which creates an apprehension in the mind of the person that he/she cannot
pursue his/her studies free from any mental disturbance or torture created thereby.
person who aids or abets such an action shall also be guilty of ragging. Ragging in
around the college premises is strictly prohibited. If any student is found
indulging in
ragging directly or indirectly, the college authorities shall be obliged under Rule
22, 17
(a), (b), (c) of H.P. University to expel the guilty student from the college.
Any student found involved in the ragging will be punished appropriately which may
a) Expulsion from the college
b) Suspension from the college
c) Fine with public apology
d) Withholding a scholarship or other benefits
e) Debarring from the representations in the events
f) Suspension or expulsion from hostel
g) Legal proceedings under criminal law shall be initiated
No substance Use
LBS GC Saraswati Nagar is committed to upholding the National Policy on
Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) which deals with
steps to tackle the problem of sale of drugs and tobacco to school and college
students. Smoking,
drinking alcohol & use of drugs, gutka etc within the premises of institute is
strictly prohibited.
The college is committed to promoting a substance-abuse free environment for its
community. The college regularly conducts awareness campaigns to sensitize and
inform -
faculty, non-teaching staff and students - about the adverse effects of drug
addiction, tobacco
consumption and alcohol abuse. All stakeholders are urged to lead a healthy life and
stay away
from these abuses.
College undertakes orientation programmes for fresher’s with the help of health and
departments. Beside this NCC/NSS and Rovers & Rangers volunteers are involved in
dissemination the message of No substance use and its ill effect through nukkad
nataks , rallies,
poster competitions and through anti-drug drive with local NGOs
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